Tuesday, May 5, 2020


Question: Write an essay onPlagiarism. Answer: Plagiarism is the act of taking the idea, song, conversation or writing of another person and passing it off as their own. It also incorporates information from the artworks, articles, interviews, email messages, television shows, songs, books, web pages or any other medium. Whenever, someone take sentences, phrases, or words or summarize, paraphrase from the work of another person. It is required for indicating information source within someone's paper utilizing an internal citation. It is not sufficient for just listing the source at the end of the paper in a bibliography. The kinds of plagiarism include: Direct Plagiarism it is the transcription of "word-for-word"; Self Plagiarism It obtains while a student makes the submission of the previous work; Mosaic Plagiarism It mainly occurs while a student makes use of phrases from a source; Accidental Plagiarism It often takes place while someone neglects for citing their sources, etc. The consequences of the plagiarism are: Student Reputation Destruction; Professional Reputation Destruction; Academic Reputation Destruction; Legal Repercussions, etc. (Ho 2014). Visual programming- Visual Basic is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. In this report, the visual basic developer describes the key features of the Visual Basic. Also, the developer discussed the strength and weakness of the visual basic. The developer develops a wind chill calculator to calculate the wind chill index by given air temperature and wind speed. The developer used a wind chill formula for calculating the wind chill index. This program has facilities to provide the air temp and the wind speed. Detail implementation process is included with this report. Visual Basic has an application form building application to support the application developer. The implementation of the visual programming includes the developer develop a wind child calculator to calculate the wind chill index. Here is the source code of the implemented wind chill calculator. Only one form is used in this application with tree text box and one button. Development of plan: Students usually plagiarise unintentionally. Therefore, a uniqueness of the work is important. Henceforth there must be a planning of plagiarism to do the work efficiently and in a unique way (Walker et al. 2014). The planning steps may include: 1) Understanding the issue of the plagiarism, which resists the chance to do the same work like others. 2) It includes the familiarization of the uniqueness of the work and the main factor is the academic integrity policy of the institution. It would determine the amount of work plagiarized. 3) Developing study skills which include the increase in copying and pasting of the exact words included in other words. These are the development of the plan to estimate the plagiarism and also chances and remedies for the process. The tracking and sourcing of the plagiarism include: understanding the rules for the citations and the references, management of the time, and development of confidence, etc. (Ho 2014).Before starting with the visual programmi ng, there should be planning for the improved performing of the process (Sez-Lpez et al. 2016). For the development of the plans for the visual programming, there are various planning factors involved. The planning includes: 1) Identification of the problems- the plan is to rectify the loops and holes of the entire process. 2) Identify the users- the user would determine where the program should be performed. 3) Determine target computer: it includes which computer should rum the programming. It consists of the main framework of the computer, running on different computers. 4) Determining the programming skills- the programmer should know the skills and the process of doing the performances of the entire process. Therefore, according to the planning of the programming process the programming skills may be improved (Chao 2016). Definition of Plagiarizing: Plagiarism is the act of taking the idea, song, conversation or writing of another person and passing it off as their own. It also incorporates information from the artworks, articles, interviews, email messages, television shows, songs, books, web pages or any other medium. Whenever, someone take sentences, phrases, or words or summarize, paraphrase from the work of another person. It is required for indicating information source within someones paper utilizing an internal citation. It is not sufficient for just listing the source at the end of the paper in a bibliography. Classification of Plagiarism There are several kinds of plagiarism as well as all are very significant academic honesty violations. These are as follows: Direct Plagiarism it is the transcription of word-for-word of the division of the work of another person without quotation as well as marks of attribution. The intentionally made plagiarism of the work of another person is totally illegal as well as unethical, academically dishonest as well as the disciplinary actions grounds incorporating expulsion. Self Plagiarism It obtains while a student make the submission of the previous work of his or her or combines segments of the works done previously without taking professors permission who are engaged. For an instance, it cannot be accepted for incorporating the segment of a paper, someone wrote in high school into a paper that is given as an assignment in a course of college. This kind of plagiarism can also be applied to submit the similar work for the assignments in distinct classes without any permission that was given previously from both of the professors. Mosaic Plagiarism It mainly occurs while a student makes use of phrases from a source without the utilization of the marks of quotation or finds synonyms of the language of authors at the time of keeping to the similar meaning of the original as well as the similar general structure. Accidental Plagiarism It often takes place while someone neglects for citing their sources or unintentionally paraphrases a source or misquotes their sources by utilizing similar groups of words, words and the structure of sentence without attribution. Students should learn how to make citation of the sources and for taking careful as well as accurate notes while conducting research. Consequences of Plagiarism There are various consequences of plagiarism. These are as follows: Student Reputation Destruction the allegations of plagiarism can result in a situation where a student may be expelled or suspended. Professional Reputation Destruction A public figure professional politician and professional business person can find that the damage from the plagiarism that follows for the entire career of them. Academic Reputation Destruction the plagiarism consequences have widely been reported in the academia world. The career of an academic can be ruined once scarred with the allegations of plagiarism. Losing the capability for publishing most likely is simply the end of the position of an academic and a destructed reputation. Legal Repercussions plagiarism is a significant ethical as well as legal issue for the professional writer. References: Chao, P.Y., 2016. Exploring students' computational practice, design and performance of problem-solving through a visual programming environment.Computers Education,95, pp.202-215. Ho, J.K.K., 2014. On plagiarism-dissolving: A Research Note.European Academic Research,1(11), pp.4274-4290. Sez-Lpez, J.M., Romn-Gonzlez, M. and Vzquez-Cano, E., 2016. Visual programming languages integrated across the curriculum in elementary school: A two year case study using Scratch in five schools.Computers Education,97, pp.129-141. Walker, C. and White, M., 2014. Police, design, plan and manage: developing a framework for integrating staff roles and institutional policies into a plagiarism prevention strategy.Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management,36(6), pp.674-687.

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